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Posts Tagged ‘swift

Deploying swift with juju for development

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Just documenting for later (and for a friend and colleague who needs it now) – my notes for setting up openstack swift using juju. I need to go back and check whether keystone is required – I initially had issue with the test auth so switched to keystone.

First, create the config file to use keystone, local block-devices on the swift storage units (ie. no need to mount storage), and using openstack havana:

cat >swift.cfg <<END
    zone-assignment: auto
    replicas: 3
    auth-type: keystone
    openstack-origin: cloud:precise-havana/updates
    zone: 1
    block-device: /etc/swift/storagedev1.img|2G
    openstack-origin: cloud:precise-havana/updates
    admin-token: somebigtoken
    openstack-origin: cloud:precise-havana/updates

Deploy it (this could probably be replaced with a charm bundle?):

juju deploy --config=swift.cfg swift-proxy
juju deploy --config=swift.cfg --num-units 3 swift-storage
juju add-relation swift-proxy swift-storage
juju deploy --config=swift.cfg keystone
juju add-relation swift-proxy keystone

Once everything is up and running, create a tenant and user with the user having admin rights for the tenant (using your keystone unit’s IP address for keystone-ip). Note, below I’m using the names of tenant, user and role – which works with keystone 0.3.2, but apparently earlier versions require you to use the uuids instead. Check with `keystone help user-role-add`).

$ keystone --endpoint http://keystone-ip:35357/v2.0/ --token somebigtoken tenant-create --name mytenant
$ keystone --endpoint http://keystone-ip:35357/v2.0/ --token somebigtoken user-create --name myuser --tenant mytenant --pass userpassword
$ keystone --endpoint http://keystone-ip:35357/v2.0/ --token somebigtoken user-role-add --tenant mytenant --user myuser --role Admin

And finally, use our new admin user to create a container for use in our dev environment (specify auth version 2):

$ export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne
$ export OS_TENANT_NAME=mytenant
$ export OS_USERNAME=myuser
$ export OS_PASSWORD=userpassword
$ export OS_AUTH_URL=http://keystone-ip:5000/v2.0/
$ swift -V 2 post mycontainer

If you want the container to be readable without auth:

$ swift -V 2 post mycontainer -r '.r:*'

If you want another keystone user to have write access:

$ swift -V 2 post mycontainer -w mytenant:otheruser

Verify that the container is ready for use:
$ swift -V 2 stat mycontainer

Please let me know if you spot any issues (these notes are from a month or two ago, so I haven’t just tried this).

Written by Michael

January 9, 2014 at 10:54 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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